The Surprising Science Behind Greatness
The Art of
Jeroen De Flander, the #1 bestselling author of Strategy Execution heroes and The Execution Shortcut, unlocks the scientific secrets of world-class performers.
Most people believe the road to success is paved with passion, talent and some luck. That’s a mistake, says Prof. De Flander. In The Art of Performance, he reveals the extraordinary science behind superior performance and most importantly, how anyone can achieve it.
In this provocative and persuasive new book, De Flander explores the mindset of the highly successful and uses six decades of scientific research to reveal 3 proven performance principles. Drawing on startling statistics and cutting-edge insights, he packages science into a fascinating, readable narrative packed with irresistible and practical takeaways to help readers be more successful in life and work.
Among The Art of Performance most valuable insights are:
- How lifelong interest is triggered
- Why purpose trumps passion and how to find it
- How a chess master became a martial art champion
- How 4 simple practice rules can triple your learning cycle
Surprising, inspirational and insightful! This book will change your mind forever.

The Surprising Science Behind Greatness
The Execution
Most business strategies get lost on the long road to success. Connect your strategy with Heads,Hearts & Hands to uncover The Execution Shortcut.
The strategy journey to success is long and dangerous. Most business strategies lose between 40 and 60 percent of their financial potential along the strategy execution highway. There is a path that will make the trip dramatically shorter. It exists in every organization, but mostly stays hidden. With the help of science, we’ll uncover The Execution Shortcut.
There are three prerequisites:
- The Head connection – people need to be aware of your business strategy;
- The Heart connection – people need to care about your business strategy;
- The Hands connection – people need the energy to push your business strategy forwards.

The Surprising Science Behind Greatness
Strategy Execution Heroes
With 300+ strategy execution tips, Strategy Execution Heroes will help you get the job done.
According to research published in the Harvard Business Review, “Companies realise only 40-to-60 percent of their strategies’ potential value”.
The rest is lost during execution. Strategy Execution Heroes turns the tide and goes for 100 percent Strategy Execution.
Strategy Execution Heroes will help you get the execution job done. But don’t expect complex theories or fancy words. Strategy Execution Heroes gets right to the point with 300+ practical tips and tricks.
The new expanded edition of Jeroen De Flander’s Strategy Execution Heroes includes
- Two completely new chapters with new insights on the Balanced Scorecard and strategic thinking
- 12 new downloads including a framework to pick the best KPIs for your business
- A 60-minute audio file from the Next Generation Strategy event where Jeroen De Flander shared the stage with
Michael Porter, Costas Markides and Roger Martin, three of the world’s top 50 thinkers predicting strategic thinking in 2020.
So whether you are a future manager preparing for the challenge, a field manager or an experienced senior executive, get ready to boost your execution skills. Become a Strategy Execution hero and turn your great strategy into great performance.